Brand New Studio Album

Featuring 11 of our best loved hymns and songs


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All (Alphabetical)

A Triune Prayer
All, At Last, Is Well
Call to Worship
Chosen as His Children (Born Again)
Christ Is Sufficient
Come Quickly, Lord
Come, Lonely Heart
Draw Near Through Christ
Every Knee Shall Bow
For the Sake of His Name
Gaze on the Christ
Give Him Glory!
Gloria Deo!
God Has Spoken
God Is Our Strength and Refuge (Psalm 46)
God Supreme
God's Sufficient Word
He Was Wounded (Isaiah 53)
Heavens Shout God's Matchless Glory (Psalm 19)
Help My Unbelief
Here Is God
His Robes for Mine
Holy, Mighty, Worthy
Hosanna to the King
How Awesome Is Your Name (Psalm 8)
How Dark the Night
I Am With You
I Love the Church
I Plead for Grace (Psalm 51)
I Run to Christ
I Will Make My Boast in Jesus
Jehovah's Bride
NEW! Jesus, Shepherd
Lifter of My Head (Psalm 3)
Lord, Build Your Church
UPDATED! My Jesus, Fair
My Lord Was Emptied
Not to Us (Psalm 115)
O God, My Joy
O How Vast the Blessings (Psalm 1)
Praise Our Savior, Jesus Christ
Psalm 1 - O How Vast the Blessings
Psalm 2 - Why Do the Nations Rage?
Psalm 3 - Lifter of My Head
Psalm 8 - How Awesome Is Your Name
Psalm 19 - Heavens Shout God's Matchless Glory
Psalm 23 - The Lord's My Shepherd
Psalm 46 - God Is Our Strength and Refuge
Psalm 51 - I Plead for Grace
Psalm 66 - Shout Out for Joy
Psalm 115 - Not to Us
UPDATED! Reformation Hymn
Relentless Love
Salvation's Cup
Secured by Sovereign Love
See the Christ
Shout Out for Joy (Psalm 66)
The Father Looks on Me
The Lord's My Shepherd (Psalm 23)
To Live Or Die
Wand'ring Pilgrim
We Will Follow
What Manner of Love
Why Do the Nations Rage? (Psalm 2)
Why Drown in Hopelessness? (Psalm 42 & 43)
You Are Always Good
NEW! You Made Us One
Your Beauty Fills Our Eyes

Spiritual Songs
Melody-driven songs that lend themselves to unison congregation or solo singing

Wand'ring Pilgrim


Cristo Suficiente Es (Christ Is Sufficient)
Corro a Cristo (I Run to Christ)
¡Gloria A Dios! (Gloria Deo!)
Loores Dad Al Salvador (Praise Our Savior, Jesus Christ)
Mi Cristo hermoso (My Jesus, Fair)
Mirad Al Cristo (Gaze on the Christ)
Por el Amor de Su Nombre (For the Sake of His Name)
¡Santo, Magno, Digno! (Holy, Mighty Worthy!)
Su manto por el mío (His Robes for Mine)
Ver tu hermosura, Oh Jesús (Your Beauty Fills Our Eyes)