For the last 15 years Church Works Media has earned a reputation for producing excellent hymns for Christ’s church. We consider this work to be a sacred trust, and we are deeply grateful for the grace of God that has allowed and enabled it.

When describing our hymn-writing philosophy we have leaned heavily on the concept of “intentionality.” Our songs are intentionally biblicaldoctrinalChrist-centered, and congregational. By God’s grace, they always will be.

Our new album Shout Out for Joy is another intentional project, providing fresh and beautiful arrangements to some of our most familiar hymns. Our goal was to produce a recording which embodies the sound doctrine, varied instrumentation, and emotional fervency modeled in the book of Psalms, which includes both somber reflection and exuberant, “shout-out-for-joy” celebration. This album reflects our belief that excellent hymns work well with an organ or a guitar, a full orchestra or a cappella.

Church Works Media will continue to write the kind of biblical, doctrinal, and beautiful hymns, books, and devotionals you have come to expect—all for God’s glory.

Grace to you!

—Chris Anderson, on behalf of CWM